Stefan Van Damme is a Full Stack Developer, with a big creative mind of web technology. That create useful web applications that is coherent with a good user interface and bit of playful effects to entertainment the user.
I am a tremendous developer that changed the internet web experience. I created the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension that has been featured on Google, YouTube, Mozilla, and Microsoft Windows Blog. And build high-quality apps for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. I am a YouTube Community Contributor, Google Product Expert (PE) / Trusted Tester (TT). And I won the Google I/O 2017 contest for the Best Student Google Assistant from the 1000 entries.
Honors & Awards
- + Lovie Awards honouring the Best of the European Internet. Won the Lovie Awards 2017 and People’s Lovie Award.
For Best Europe Website & App - Turn Off the Lights™ https://www.turnoffthelights.com - + Featured on Lovie Letters (by Google) https://www.lovieletters.eu/#/projects/170
Powerful and creative apps in pure web technology
NEW January 2019: Interactive Guide
Here an overview of the big web experiences you can discover today in your favorite web browser.
Interactive Guide

This is the interactive Welcome Guide for the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. That explain the feature in the popular browser extension.
Read about Welcome GuideWeb VR Experiment

Experience a vivid video player with glow effect in your VR web browser. The color sparks match the content of the current video frame.
Read about the Aurora Player VRAtmosphere Lighting

A regular HTML5 video player with atmosphere lighting effect that match with the content of the HTML5 video.
Read about the Aurora Player AppUser Experience

A simple options page that match to the user experience to change a setting. And an option to get a Dark Mode user interface.
Read about Browser Extension User InterfaceAnimated panels

Dynamic Particles animation on the app overview page on my personal Stefan vd website. That give a glance of magic on the web page.
Read about Stefan websiteBrand website

The official Turn Off the Lights website with demo panel to preview this browser extension without installing this extension in your web browser.
Read about Turn Off the Lights websiteUX Concepts
Here an early product conceptualization about the future of Google Maps. I am a Google Local Guide for Google Maps. And this is my open though ideas to get a great experience as a user and business owner with Google Maps Embed API.
Embed API Concept

Few user experience concept on to get the Google Maps experience on your business website. And easily to acces and open to your mobile phone.
Read about UX Concept