Portfolio - Animated panels
Personal Website
A website that consists mainly of static pages and presents news articles as the user scrolls through them can sometimes be unremarkable. However, on my personal website, I have implemented a few panels with magic effects to draw the user's attention and make them aware that they are interacting with an animated application. This provides the user with a glimpse of what the website looks like on their device.
By incorporating these magical effects, I have created a more engaging experience for the user. These effects can range from simple animations to more complex interactions, depending on the user's actions. For example, a click on a particular button might trigger an animation that slides in a new panel from the side of the screen.
It's essential to ensure that these magic effects are not too distracting and that they do not detract from the primary purpose of the website. They should be used sparingly and strategically to emphasize specific areas or elements of the site, such as a call-to-action button or a new feature.
In conclusion, adding magical effects to a website can enhance the user experience and make the site more memorable. By striking a balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal, a website can become more interactive and engaging for its users.
You can visit this in Stefan Browser extensions and apps web page:
Traffic Blinker websiteTraffic Blinker, the web page about the Apple Watch app that bring you more visible on the road when you are a bikers, cyclists, step, electric scooters, electric bikes, skateboarders, hoverboards, three-wheelers, hoverboards, or even one-wheelers.
Magic Actions website
Magic Actions, is a Google Assistant application to bring a real interactive magic show to your home and living room. That from card trick to hard to solve brain tricks.
The website animation panel works in the Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge web browser.
Simplicity design screenshots