Finance Toolbar for Mac / for Windows
Get real-time stock information and investment updates from your favorite stock market prices today.
Such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple or just the US stock prices. Where you see
real-time stock quotes in the ticker bar,
with the current bid of this stock and the percent change. If you want more detail information about that stock, click on the name or value, and it open the
Yahoo Finance information with all the other market stocks information. With its comprehensive features, you will be able to manage your finances with ease, and reach your financial goals.
It is the best Investment Tracking tool that support Windows and Mac. Keep track of your investments, monitor your portfolios, and view performance charts with the Investment Tracking feature. This feature provides a clear picture of your investment portfolio, making it easier for you to make informed investment decisions.
In the options page of the Finance Toolbar app you can change the numbers of stocks in the bar, the option to show the market capital value, the option percent value, the option to invert the color from red to green and vice versa, the option to get the valuta graph.
The Finance Toolbar app is built in HTML5 and JavaScript. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, this app is the perfect tool for managing your finances. Want to see the basic of the finance world, use this unique app. And you will be thrilled by this new amazing app. Download it today on your computer!
Finance Toolbar supported platforms:
Discover now the Mac version: Mac OS X Yosemite, Mac OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina
Discover now the Windows version: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11
Discover now the Browser extension version: Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
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