Rotate that Video Player Chrome Extension Changelog
Latest Updates for Rotate that Video Player Chrome Extension
26 February 2026 version 1.0.8:
- + Set the reset button to be visible by default
- + Fixed constants
- + Improved the slider to move the minus vertically and minus horizontally
- + Fixed YouTube video initial rotate value
4 July 2024 version 1.0.5:
- + Fixed welcome page
- + Fixed rotation slider did not function on the current web page
- + Added option to flip and mirror the video
- + Added option to show reset button the transformation and scale
- + Removed the use of innerHTML for security improvement
- + Fixed incorrect placeholder name in the search Options page
- + Fixed Options page did not open in the popup panel
28 April 2024 version 1.0.3:
- + Fixed light and dark mode icon not visible in the toolbar
- + Improved the accibility for slider minimum font size to 16px
- + Improved popup panel and tell when there is a video not found
- + Fixed vimeo video website
- + Fixed default settings value for the rotation, move up, move left, and scale
- + Update to Manifest V3 technology
- + Added horizontally move
- + Added scale video
- + Added option to choose for light or dark mode icon
- + Fixed bugs
- + First initial release